Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday morning

Yesterday afternoon and evening were very long. There were no ICU rooms open so Tim was kept in the recovery area. No one is allowed to see him except me. I did go in to see him about 4. He was very groggy and being kept on pain meds. He was complaining of "a lot of pain". The nurses said he was having muscle spasms and they had ordered muscle relaxants and vicodin. I knew that would keep him out. When they were unable to move him to ICU, I decided to leave him alone for the evening. Mike stayed around and took me to eat. He left after 9 pm and I went back to the room. The motel is connected to the hospital. My room "ain't no Holiday Inn!" I'm not even sure I have the basics - although there is a bed and bathroom.....
I got up around 5/6 this morning and decided to move the car and get ready for another long day of sitting around. At 7 am, Friday morning, I went back to the waiting room to check on Tim. He's still in the recovery area..... They let the staff know I was here - and maybe I will get a chance to get back to see him later...... I'll update more, then!! I hope the adage is true - "No news is good news".

1 comment:

Ken Lanie said...

Glad to see all is going well for now. We will keep Tim and all of you in our prayers.

Janet's surgery is Mon. at 1PM. Although minor there seems to be a lot of before hand prep. She has to be there at 9:30AM. I will keep you posted. Later....Ken L