Thursday, July 17, 2008

out of surgery

The doctor came out to talk to us about 1:30. He said all went very well with the surgery.
The cancer in the rectum was pretty well contained within that area and he is confident that he got it all. He was able to reattach - so there is NO bag! That was Tim's biggest fear. The cancer was also in the left quadrant of the liver. The doctor took all of the left quadrant and as a bonus = he also took the gall bladder! He said Tim was doing fine and in recovery.
The boys and I left and went to lunch - and so we have not heard from the recovery nurse yet - or found out when we might go back to take a peek at him.
My brother Dave came by - and sat and visited and kept us company until the doctor came out. It was really nice to see him and chat.
More later........

1 comment:

linda pruett said...

tim, linda and family...we are so thankful that the surgery went well and thank GOD no bag....ha ha. our thoughts and prayers have been with you....if we can be of help to any of you please let us know...thinking of you and praying...we love you...jimmie, linda, preston and kyla