Friday, July 18, 2008

Tim"s in his own room!

At about noon, they moved Tim to his room. When I walked in - my first comment was - "Wow, it's a private room - how did you get that?" Tim replied - "Money". I fainted!! (Not really!)
Anyway, it is a nice room - at the back corner of the hall - nice and quiet - and private.
He's feeling pretty good - still complains of some pain in the stomach area - so he uses his morphine pump. And that makes him a little goofy - which is almost like normal.
He is in good spirits! I will eventually bring his cell phone up to the room - but until then, if anyone wants to give him a call his phone number in the room is - 317-962-7245. His room # is 4087. He is still hooked up to a couple of IV's. When he has rested some - he will probably attempt to sit up. His bed adjusts to a sitting position - so his first time up will be easier than climbing out of bed.


Ken Lanie said...

Tell Tim that I am thinking of him. I will wait a few days before I attempt to call him so he will be a little better than...
almost normal!!!!! Ken

Van Neie said...

Wonderful news. We're in Lewistown, NY and I called Exmeyer today to get the latest. I now have a hook-up at the Day's Inn so I checked the blog. Really excited about Tim's prognosis.heqvnvlp

linda pruett said...

thank god tim is feeling better we thought of you all today very much and we were worried about the pain he was in....thank you for the update, as he said to us at the lake....he has to be stronger now than ever before in his life....keep it up and prayers, jimmie and linda